CEO & Co-Founder of CI, a data solutions company, sheds insider knowledge on the unreliability of AI technology for law…
CI's data improves insurance companies' legal professional recruiting efforts, data analytics programs, and litigation outcomes.
An explanation of how and why Courtroom Insight evolved from a knowledge management company to a leading data solutions provider.
How Courtroom Insight provides clean, structured, & connected data to help law firms solve the data conundrum.
4 critical ways Courtroom Insight's Matter connector benefits your law firm's practice
Learn what distinguishes Courtroom Insight's Lawyer Directory from competitors’ in this explainer article.
Stay ahead of the legal technology curve with an insider perspective on the top three takeaways from ILTACON 2023.
Courtroom Insight provides a low cost means to quickly jumpstart law firm's experience management efforts with respect to legal professionals.
Miss CLOC Global Institute 2023? Here were the top 3 themes in legal operations discussed at the event.
Expert Witness Profiler co-founders give insights into expert witness research, including its importance, methods of verification, etc.