Sheppard Mullin Selects Courtroom Insight for Knowledge Management

1 min read

Sheppard Mullin, a global law firm with over 700 attorneys, selects Courtroom Insight to facilitate litigation knowledge management in its law library.

Dora Tynes, Sheppard Mullin’s Chief Knowledge Officer, is a long-time supporter of improving knowledge sharing methods within the firm. Tynes explained that, “by signing up our library staff, I am able to provide a central repository of key information about experts and other litigation professionals. I particularly like the way expanded research and expert witness search services are made available directly from the product interface.”

Ms. Tynes works closely with the Firm’s Director of Research & Library Services, Martin Korn, to ensure the Firm is leveraging solutions that help the team provide the right information at the right time. Korn stated, “I’m excited to add Courtroom Insight to our arsenal of resources and expect it to enhance the background reports we regularly deliver to our attorneys. This is yet another way in which we can add value to the services we provide our clients.”

Mark Torchiana, Courtroom Insight CEO, noted that, “the Sheppard Mullin [partnership] enhances the library’s ability to provide current and relevant information to their attorneys, which benefits both the firm and their clients. We are excited to welcome Sheppard Mullin as a client.”

To read the original press release, visit:

Sheppard Mullin, a global law firm, selects Courtroom Insight to facilitate litigation knowledge management in its law library.
Sheppard Mullin building in downtown Dallas, Texas.

About Sheppard Mullin

Sheppard Mullin is a full-service Global 100 firm. The firm handles corporate and technology matters, high stakes litigation and complex financial transactions. The firm offers global solutions to clients around the world. Specifically, it has 15 offices in North America, Europe and Asia. Consequently, the firm is able to provide seamless representation in multiple jurisdictions. For more information, visit

About Courtroom Insight

Courtroom Insight offers the leading knowledge management solution. The solution enables law firms to capture, share and analyze critical information about expert witnesses, judges, and other legal professionals. Learn more at:

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